Chad Westport

Home Gardening Education for you

This website contains a variety of educational material and links. We offer videos for the visual learners, podcasts for those on the go, and articles for when you want to sit-down and get in depth. The information is free, the knowledge can change your life, tell a friend.

Cannabis Education

Growing cannabis does not need to be intimidating, confusing, or difficult. There are many effective ways of growing this plant at home. Often times the correct path forward is determined by budget, access to materials, available time, and previous experience. Frequently, the true answer to any question about growing cannabis is,  it depends.

I’m here to present various options that you can incorporate into your game plan for the garden. You will be shown correct techniques and the reasons behind them will be explained. If you’ve been seeking straight-forward and easy to digest information that has practical applications for you and your home garden, welcome in, you’ve come to the right place.

— Chad Westport

Educational Content

The goal of my YouTube channel is to offer easily digestible grow knowledge with practical application for everyone.

Just One Thing - Size Matters
Just One Thing - Proper Watering
Just One Thing - Mycorrhizae
How To Transplant
Just One Thing - Series playlist
Maximize THC and terpenes by doing this

Special Guests

The Friendly Cannabis Show presents: (click image to view episode)

Tommy Chong
Madame Cannoli
Danny Danko
Mila Jansen (Hash Queen)
Jeff Lowenfels
Swami & Nikki L.

Breeder Profiles

Interviews with respected cannabis breeders and seed collectors

JJ - Top Dawg Seeds
Masonic Smoker
RAW Genetics
AK Bean Brains
Brandon Rust
Yellowhammer Genetics

Guest Appearances

Chad Westport has been a guest on dozens of popular cannabis content shows

the Dude Grows Show
Future Cannabis Project
Garden Talk w/ Mr. Grow It
From The Stash Podcast
Eagle Gardens
the iCanTHC Channel